Thursday, October 11, 2012


由於EveryTrail.com目前尚未支援中文關鍵字搜尋, 故須利用位置訊息(附近行程)才能搜尋中文行程. 利用附近行程搜尋, 須指定搜尋中心及範圍半徑. 搜尋中心可長按主地圖位置指定或搜尋住址(地標)指定, 範圍半徑則在進階搜尋中設定(若長按主地圖位置, 範圍半徑自動設定為螢幕地圖範圍). 附近行程搜尋會找出行程位置在搜尋範圍內的行程. 行程位置為行程範圍的中心點(非行程起點). 設定範圍半徑須考慮行程長度 , 長度大的行程搜尋半徑最好設大點, 才能找到所要行程. 搜尋行程最佳方法為將主地圖調成欲搜尋行程範圍, 長按主地圖中心以搜尋附近行程.

以七星山為例, 大多為單日行程, 搜尋中心為七星山, 搜尋半徑可設定為10km. 

以大霸尖山為例, 大多為多日行程, 搜尋中心為大霸尖山, 搜尋半徑可設定為30km.

Friday, September 21, 2012

GPS Hiker v2.0 Change Log

New Features:

  1. Long press at the track of imported trip or the trip in the search result to find out the detail of matched track point on the map. The details includes coordinate, altitude,  mileage, duration, altitude gain, altitude loss and address. If current location can be determined on the track, it shows the detail from current location to the touched track location.
  2. Redesigned altitude profile to show more information about mileage and altitude gain / loss.
  3. Enhanced trip analysis to show the detail of track points.
  4. Create account directly in the application.
  5. Support Simplified Chinese.


  1. Continuing UI improvement.
  2. Tap author name to drill down to the list of user's trips in search result.
  3. Multiple point support for current location in trip analysis and altitude profile.
  4. Support online OSM, OCM, MapQuest maps in the trip detail of the search result.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix iOS 6 bugs.
  2. Fix the bug for being unable to create offline map under French
  3. Fix the bug for being unable to change color for imported track.
  4. Fix the line width inconsistency issue for tracks displayed on map.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Base Camp for GPS Hiker 登山客之家

GPS Hiker

Current Release: v5.2 (7/1/2020)

What's New


Report Bug / Comments


最新版本: v5.2 (2020/7/1)



問題回報 / 留言

Report Bug / Comments

Please leave your bug report  or comment in the comment area. Thanks!

問題回報 / 留言

請在評論區留下問題回報或留言. 謝謝!


2020-7-1 登山客 v5.2 已發表.

  1. 修正台灣魯地圖下載問題。
  2. 錯誤修正。
  3. 點按定位鍵兩次可啟動/停止自動地圖置中。

2018-11-5 登山客 v5.1 已發表.

  1. 新增支援台灣魯地圖及Thunder Forest Outdoors地圖。
  2. 暫時移除對經建三版地圖的支援。
  3. 錯誤修正。

2018-4-9 登山客 v5.0 已發表.

  1. 已存行程包含可用於篩選的資料。
  2. 已存行程可以按名稱或主地圖區域進行篩選。
  3. 已存行程中的表列行程可以在主地圖上顯示為標記。
  4. 能夠用DMS格式輸入坐標。
  5. 改進的用戶界面。
  6. 支援opencyclemap的API密鑰。
  7. 通過QR碼下載行程。
  8. 修復iOS 11.0兼容性問題。
  9. 修復在某些情況下位置更新無法正常工作的問題。
  10. 移除與EveryTrail的整合。
  11. 移除openquestmap的地圖選項。
  12. 修正台灣NLSC地圖的地圖下載問題。

2016-2-23 登山客 v3.5.2 已發表.

  1. 支援GPX檔案中的路徑(route).
  2. 修正無法使用相機的問題.

2016-1-14 登山客 v3.5.1 已發表.

  1. 錯誤修正 (包含GPS軌跡錯誤修正).
  2. 新增行程里程及標記抵達通知.
  3. 改進設置畫面.

附註: 行程里程通知僅供參考用, 請勿用於準確計算用途.

2015-10-10 登山客 v3.5 已發表.

  1. 支援 iOS 9.0.
  2. 支援台灣國測中心地圖.
  3. 預載地圖的新增一個放大倍數(由5到6)的解像度 (現有離線地圖可更新後取得).
  4. 當程式被系統自動終止或軌跡記錄自動停止時, 使用者會收到通知.
  5. 改進新增預載地圖的流程.
  6. 住址包含時區訊息.
  7. 錯誤修正.

2014-09-26 登山客 v3.2 已發表.

  1. 支援 iOS 8.

2014-02-21 登山客 v3.1 已發表.

  1. 新增路線規劃功能, 你可以將路線儲存為GPX檔案, 或匯入主地圖使用 (僅限於蘋果有提供路線規劃服務的地區). 
  2. 支援GPX檔案分享功能, 你可以將GPX檔案透過AirDrop, 直接傳送給附近朋友使用. 
  3. 支援台灣經建三版離線地圖. 
  4. 新增多個小更新. 
  5. 錯誤修正.

2013-10-04 登山客 v3.0 已發表.

  1. 修正iOS 7無法使用GPS的問題. 
  2. 支援iOS 7. 
  3. 可以將行程以相反方向匯入使用. 
  4. 改進興趣點搜尋. 
  5. 登山客新版需要iOS 7.0或以上版本.

    2013-05-20 登山客 v2.5 已發表.

    1. 支援目前行程回復功能. 
    2. 改進跟隨軌跡功能. 可將目前位置即時顯示於高度圖上. 
    3. 支援本地搜尋 (6.1). 
    4. 可分享興趣點或行程資訊 (6.0). 
    5. 可直接匯入線上行程. 
    6. 可新增或刪除喜愛行程. 
    7. 照相時可自動新增標記. 
    8. 錯誤修正.

    2012-11-10 登山客 v2.1.1 已發表.

    1. 支援iPhone 5 / iPod Touch 5螢幕. 
    2. 新增Hike BIke離線地圖. 
    3. 可依行程長度搜尋行程(限iPhone 5). 

    2012-10-17 登山客 v2.1 已發表.

    1. 新增在匯入行程軌跡上的循跡功能. 
    2. 新增搜尋附近行程功能. 
    3. 可顯示全部搜尋結果, 沒有數目限制. 
    4. 更多的改進功能. 
    5. 錯誤修正.

    2012-10-11 如何搜尋中文行程

    2012-09-20 登山客 v2.0 已發表.

    1. iOS 6.0 bug修復. 
    2. 支持簡體中文. 
    3. 增強的軌跡導航功能(長按軌跡可獲得軌跡導航訊息). 
    4. 增強的高度分佈圖, 
    5. 增強的行程分析功能. 
    6. 在應用程序中創建EveryTrail帳戶。 
    7. 在行程瀏覽中支援在線地圖 (Open Street Map, Open Cycle Map, MapQuest OSM).

    2012-09-03 當轉換匯入行程軌跡顏色時, 程式會跳出

    此問題已修復, 會在下一版中更新.

    2012-08-31 登山客 v1.9.4 已發表.

    1. 持續改進使用者界面. 
    2. 在目前行程畫面中, 加入日出日落時間. 
    3. 新增台灣二度分帶(TWD67及TWD97)坐標轉換. 
    4. 自動為匯入行程, 載入其範圍內的離線地圖. 
    5. 顯示離線地圖(Open Street, Open Cycle, MapQuest)涵蓋的實際範圍.

    2012-08-27 無法下載EveryTrail GPX檔案?

    如果使用上有無法下載EveryTrail GPX檔案的問題, 這是因為EveryTrail本身有無法將軌跡檔與遠端伺服器的GPX檔案同步問題. 如果你有EveryTrail帳號, 可到其網站下載GPX檔案(如此遠端伺服器的GPX檔案即可同步), 再到登山客重新下載GPX檔案即可.

    2012-08-15 登山客 v1.9.3 已發表.

    支援繁體中文 (少部分輔助說明尚未完成中文化, 會在新的版本中持續更新).

    What's New

      7/1/20 GPS Hiker 5.2 is released

      1. Bug Fixes.
      2. Correct map download issues.
      3. Double taps on location button to enable/disable auto center map.

      11/5/18 GPS Hiker 5.1 is released

      1. Add support for Taiwan Lu Map and Thunder Forest Outdoors Map.
      2. Temporarily remove support for Taiwan Top Map.
      3. Bug Fixes.

      4/9/18 GPS Hiker 5.0 is released

      1. Saved trips now include trip data for filtering.
      2. Saved trips can be filtered by name or main map bound.
      3. Listed trips in Saved Trips can be shown as marks on main map.
      4. Ability to enter coordinate via the DMS format.
      5. Improved user interface.
      6. API key support for open cycle map.
      7. Download trips via QR code.
      8. Fix iOS 11.0 compatibility issues.
      9. Fix issues when location update is not working  under some situations.
      10. Remove support for every trail
      11. Remove support for openquestmap.
      12. Fix map download issue for Taiwan NLSC map.

      2/23/16 GPS Hiker 3.5.2 is released

      1. Support routes in the GPX file.
      2. Fix the camera privilege issue.

      1/14/16 GPS Hiker 3.5.1 is released

      1. Bug fixes (including the fix for GPS track error).
      2. Add new features for mileage and mark arrival notification.
      3. UI improvements in Configuration.

      p.s.: mileage notification is for reference only and not intended to be used for accurate measurement purpose.

      10/9/15 GPS Hiker 3.5 is released

      1. Support iOS 9.0.
      2. Support Taiwan NLSC map.
      3. Increase the maximum depth of zoom level from 5 to 6 for preloaded maps (please update existing preloaded maps to take new change).
      4. Improve flow to create new preloaded map.
      5. Add time zone to the address information.
      6. Receive notification if the app is terminated or GPS logging is paused automatically.
      7. Bug fixes.

      9/26/14 GPS Hiker 3.2 is released

        Support iOS 8.

      2/21/14 GPS Hiker 3.1 is released

      1. Add new feature to plan route save route as GPX file or import route into main map for reference (only available in areas where routing service is provided by Apple).
      2. Add new feature to airdrop GPX files to share with nearby friends.
      3. Support Taiwan Topo offline map.
      4. Minor enhancements.
      5. Bug fixes.

      12/27/13 How to create an offline map

      10/4/13 GPS Hiker 3.0 is released.

      1. Fix critical iOS 7 bugs for not being able to use GPS. 
      2. Support iOS 7. 
      3. Add functionality to import trip in reverse direction. 
      4. Improve POI search. 
      5. GPS Hiker now requires iOS 7 or above.

      5/19/13 GPS Hiker 2.5 is released.

      1. Current trip can be recovered even after crash. 
      2. Improved and more robust following track feature. Real time position update on the elevation profile for imported track. 
      3. Support Local Search (6.1 or above). 
      4. Support POI or Trip sharing (6.0 or above). 
      5. Import online trip without saving it first. 
      6. Add trips to favorites. 
      7. Automatically add marks for photos taken. 
      8. Support pace (min:sec / km, mi). 
      9. Bug fixes.

      11/10/12 GPS Hiker 2.1.1 is released.

      1. Support iPhone 5 / iPod Touch 5 Screen. 
      2. Add Hike Bike Map to the list of offline maps. 
      3. Increase zoom level to 18 for Open Cycle Map. 
      4. Add trip length filter for Advanced Search (iPhone 5 only).

      10/17/12 GPS Hiker V2.1 is released.

      1. Add the ability to follow the track of imported trip to assist your navigation. 
      2. Add the ability to locate nearby trips. 
      3. Add altitude profile to main map for imported trip. 
      4. No limit on the number of search results. 
      5. Numerous enhancements. 
      6. Bug fixes. 


      "Follow Track" is not intended for precise navigation. Please use it with good judgement and at user's own risk.

      9/26/12 Having problem after upgrading to iOS 6?

      If you encountered the closing problem for GPS Hiker after upgrading to iOS, especially on older iPhones or iPod Touch4, this is probably due to iOS 6 might use more memory than iOS 5 or have more strict policy on memory usage for applications. It will kick out applications randomly if it thinks they use too much memory when the system is low on memory. The workaround is to close unused applications as many as possible. It will give GPS Hiker more memory to run and reduce the opportunity being kicked out by iOS. Newer version will try to address the issue. To close unused applications, double click on the Home button and long-press at the application icon in the task bar to close the application.

      9/20/12 GPS Hiker v2.0 is released.

      1. iOS 6.0 bug fixes. 
      2. Support Simplified Chinese. 
      3. Enhanced track navigation functionalities (long-press at the track to get track navigation information). 
      4. Enhanced altitude profile. 
      5. Enhanced trip analysis. 
      6. Bug fix for being unable to download offline maps in French. 
      7. Create EveryTrail account in the application. 
      8. Support online maps (Open Street Map, Open Cycle Maps, MapQuest OSM) in the trip detail.
      Change Log for GPS Hiker v2.0

      9/3/12 Crash bug found if changing color for imported track.

      A crash bug was found. The application crashes if changing color for imported track in the configuration. It is fixed and will be delivered in the next release. Sorry for your inconvenience.

      8/30/12 GPS Hiker v1.9.4 is released.

      1. Continuing UI improvement.
      2. Add Sunrise / Sunset to the Current Trip screen.
      3. Add coordinate conversion to the Current Trip screen.
      4. Add ability to auto load map for trip in the Saved Trip screen.
      5. Remove Download Trip Map option from the Saved Trips screen. You need to go to the Offline Maps screen to create and download map instead.
      6. Show actual map area to download for Open Street Map, Open Cycle Map and MapQuest.
      7. Add new coordinates: TWD67-TM2, TWD97-TM2.
      8. Bug fixes and iOS 6 compatibility fixes.
      9. Move Help under the new More menu.

      8/27/12 Problem to download GPX file for trip?

      If you have problem to download GPX files from the application for some trips, the workaround is to go to to download GPX file for those trips (account needed) and go back to the application to re-download. The reason is that EveryTrail has problem to keep some of GPX files in sync with the files on remote file server (where GPS Hiker is accessing). Doing so will force the file to be in sync. The bug has been reported to

      8/26/12 Problem to download offline map?

      If you have problem to download offline maps with non-US region setting, I just want to let you know that it is fixed. I just found out the bug in one of the negative review from France. The fix will be delivered in 1.9.5 (probably 2-3 weeks later due to Apple's review policy). The next release 1.9.4 (currently under review) should be out next week. Thanks for your patience.

      8/15/12 GPS Hiker v1.9.3 is released.

      1. Minor UI tweaking. 
      2. Add distance information in the addresses search result. 
      3. Add zoom level information for map tiles. 
      4. Add Traditional Chinese support. 
      5. Bug fixes.

      Problem to download GPX file for trip?

      If you have problem to download GPX files directly on the application for some trips, you can go to to download GPX file (account needed) and go back to the application to re-download the file. The reason is that EveryTrail has problem to keep some of GPX files in sync with the files on remote file server (where GPS hiker is accessing). Doing so will force the file to be in sync. The bug has been reported to

      Sunday, August 26, 2012

      Problem to download offline map?

      If you have problem to download offline maps with non-US region setting, I just want to let you know that it is fixed. I just found out the bug in one of the negative review from France. The fix will be delivered in 1.9.5 (probably 2-3 weeks later due to Apple's review policy). The next release 1.9.4 (currently under review) should be out next week. Thanks for your patience.

      Wednesday, August 15, 2012

      GPS Hiker v1.9.3 is out

      1. Minor UI tweaking.
      2. Add distance information in the addresses search result.
      3. Add zoom level information for map tiles.
      4. Add Traditional Chinese support.
      5. Bug fixes.

      Wednesday, August 1, 2012

      GPS Hiker v1.9.2 is out

      1. UI tweaking for the detail of the trip in the search results.
      2. Mileage in Imported Trip renames as Trip Analysis.
      3. UI tweaking fot Trip Analysis.
      4. UI tweaking for the trip search results.
      5. Add elevation information to the results of address search.
      6. Show current location, if GPS on, in the elevation profile of the Imported Trip tab.
      7. Add battery status in the Setting tab.

      Bug fixes:
      1. Fix the missing bulb icon in the History tab.

      Wednesday, July 18, 2012

      GPS Hiker v1.9.1 is out

      1. Add help.
      2. Add offline map to the maps in mark detail and mileage.
      3. In the Offline Maps screen, display maps in red when they're at the user location.
      4. Minor UI tweaking.
      5. Fix bug when saving file with the name containing /.
      Please note that the bulb icon in the history tab is missing but does not affect the functionality. The bug will be fixed in the next release.

      Sunday, July 8, 2012

      Field Tests in Yosemite National Park

      Just completed two field tests using GPS Hiker v1.9 in Yosemite Valley. One was the Vernal-Nevada Falls hike (3.5 hours) and the other was Eagle Peak hike (8.5 hours). The trips were uploaded to successfully, including GPS tracks, marks and photos. You can see the trip details in the links below:

      Vernal-Nevada Falls Hike

      Eagle Peak Hike from Yosemite Valley

      Thursday, July 5, 2012

      GPS Hiker v1.9 is out

      Please note that if you cannot launch the application after installing the update, please reinstall the application. This problem is caused by Apple. Sorry for your inconvenience.

      New Features:
      1. Photo Marks: Photos taken during the trip, when logging is on, will be displayed on the map. Title and description can be added to the photo in the photo viewer. All photos can be seen in the new Photo tab. When you import the saved trip later, the photo information will be imported as well.
      2. Photo Upload: Photos taken during the trip can be uploaded to from the application. No PC/Mac required.
      3. Interactive Altitude Profile: The interactive altitude profile includes the altitude, distance and travel time (when available) information for the current and imported trips. By changing the observing location and setting the anchor location, you can learn the altitude difference, distance and travel time between two locations. Click on Altitude Profile button to view the profile.
      4. Enhanced Mileage Tool: Virtual Hike is renamed as Milage which now includes the mileage information for marks.
      5. You can now directly set the bound on map for the offline maps.
      6. Photo viewer to display photo with its title, description and EXIF information.

      1. Major UI (icon and layout) tweaks.
      2. More sorting options for the Marks tab.
      3. More display options for the History tab.
      4. Reorganize the Advanced Search UI with enhanced features.
      5. Reorganize the New Offline Map UI with enhanced features.
      6. Upload Trip can now upload photos as well.
      7. Add tips to Imported Trip, Marks and Trips tabs.

      Saturday, June 9, 2012

      GPS Hiker v1.8 is out

      This release provide better integration with Now you can perform advanced searches for trips you're interested in. Once the trip is found, you can view its story, photos, GPS tracks and marks all together on the map. Download its GPX file if you want to. With the unique "Press-To-Find" (long-pressed on the main map) feature, you can easily find the trips you're interested in everywhere in the world.

      New Features:

      1. Advanced Search: search EveryTrail trips based the criteria: trip location, proximity, activity type (multiple selections) and whether they include photos or not. Sort trips by their recent popularity, trip date, trip length and votes and order them in either ascending or descending ways. Trip location can be specified via the current location, the long-pressed location on the main map or the location of the address you find.

      2. Trip detail now incorporates a film strap to display the trip map and all thumbnails of trip photos. Clicking on the map or thumbnails on the strap will display the trip story or the detail of the photo. Clicking on the map button on the bottom shows the trip map in full size. Clicking on the Photo button can view the photo in full size.

      3. Full-size Trip Map: the full-size trip map presents all GPS tracks, marks and photo locations on the map. Clicking on the mark or photo annotation will display its location information or thumbnail photo on the top. Using the arrow buttons to scroll through marks or photos. Clicking on the thumbnail photo display the full-size photo. On the bottom of the map, you can view the statistics information of the trip and its elevation profile in 3 pages. Swipe on the page control to switch pages.

      4. Full-size Photo Viewing: view full-size trip pictures in either portrait or landscape modes.


      1. Minor UI tweaking on the trip search results. You can now click on the row of the trip to view its detail. Click on the download button to download its GPX file.

      2. Using the long-pressed location on the map or the address you found to search trips will directly go to Advanced Search so you can specify more criteria to find trips you're interested in.

      3. Add map zoom level to the ruler.

      Bug fix:

      1. Provide better message if the user doesn't allow the application to use the location service in the first use but try to turn on the GPS switch later.

      Thursday, May 31, 2012

      GPS Hiker v1.7.5 is out

      New Features: 
      1. Upload trip (story & tracks) to (account needed). 
      2. View the trip story and thumbnail photos of the selected trip (flick the photo area to see more photos). 
      3. View your own trips at (account needed). 
      4. Add Map Scale Ruler to the map. 
      5. Long-press on the map to search nearby trips and attain the altitude of the touched location. 
      6. Search address and use the address to search nearby trips directly. 

      Improved Features: 
      1. Add thumbnail photo for trips in the search result. 
      2. Directly access mark detail on the map (click on the mark for detail). 

      Bug Fixes: 
      1. Fix the GPX File Import bug if there are fields other than time and elevation in track point.

      Thursday, April 26, 2012

      GPS Hiker v1.6 is out

      1. Add support for offline maps (Open Street Map, Open Cycle Map and MapQuest) . Download maps before the trip and use them with or without data network access. 

      You can download and use the map in two ways:

      a. Create an overlay by specifying which map to be used and the bound of the overlay. Add the overlay to the map after the overlay is created and downloaded.

      b. Directly download a trip map for a GPX file. The default type for the trip map is specified in the Config menu. After the trip map is downloaded, just import trip and map together. 

      2. Long press at any position on the main map to identify its coordinate even when GPS is off. When GPS is on, the app also reports the distance between the current location and the pressed location on the map. Add a mark for the location if you wish.

      3. Bug Fixes (annotation problem after abandoning the trip).

      Sunday, April 8, 2012

      GPS Hiker v1.5 is out

      1. Add ability to take pictures and videos directly from the application.
      2. Add ability to email the GPX files.
      3. "TweetMark" - long press on the Mark button to tweet your location and photo on Twitter.
      4. Add Elevation Profile to Imported Trip
      5. Improved Virtual Hike with Elevation Profile.
      6. Major UI Tweak.

      Friday, March 23, 2012

      Use the Custom Map feature in GPS Hiker

      The Custom Map feature in GPS Hiker lets you add custom map images to the application and use them in the way as same as the online maps do, even without data networks. There are three steps involved to use the custom map feature. Please note that GPS Hiker only supports custom map image for small region (25 square miles, for example). If there is a big region, you should divide them into smaller ones first before using them in the application.

      Step One: Get a custom map image file and measure its boundary for coordinates.

      Currently there are two sources to create or download custom map images.

      *** Create the custom map image from websites or tools.

       Some websites allow you to create custom map images and provide their boundary information as well.
      Take as example.

       Click on the link below to create a custom map image based on tracks in GPX files.

       Make sure you specify required information in the fields next to red boxes and click on "Draw the map" button to generate the custom map image.

       Right click on the map image to save the image file and make sure you write down its boundary information within the red box. 

      *** Download a custom map image from websites and use Google Earth to measure its boundary.

      Some regional parks offer their own map images in their websites and some of the map images can be used as custom map in the application if they have the true-north up orientation.

       Take East Bay Regional Parks as example,

       Click on link below to go to the website for its Coyote Hills Park.

       Download the map image by right-clicking on the map image.

       Use Google Earth to create an overlay for the custom map image, follow its procedure to match the overlay to actual position on the earth and retrieve the boundary information once the match is completed.

      Overlay Requirements

      Overlay images can be taken from your computer, from your network, or from a web site. The image format must be:
      • JPG
      • BMP
      • GIF
      • TIFF
      • TGA
      • PNG
      Overlays in PNG and GIF formats can be modified so that undesirable regions (such as image boundaries) are transparent, letting the underlying imagery show through.
      You can use topographical maps, weather satellite image maps, or other geographical image data as overlays. For ideas and examples of overlays, see the Google Earth Community bulletin board (
      The overlay image itself must have a North-Top orientation with simple cylindrical projection. Simple cylindrical projection (or Plate Carrée) is a simple map projection where the meridians and parallels are equidistant, straight parallel lines, with the two sets crossing at right angles. (This format is also known as Lat/Lon WGS84 projection.) Because a certain amount of modifications to overlay images is allowed, you might find that the more common UTM maps work well enough over small areas. However, for a more precise overlay of a large region, simple cylindrical projection is required.

      Step Two: Add the custom map images to the application and create new custom maps in the application.

       Follow the procedure mentioned in the Quick Start Guide to add custom map images to the Documents folder of the application in the same way as you add GPX files to the same folder. Once the files are added, click on the Action icon in the toolbar of the application and you will find the + button on the top right. Click on the + button to create new map in the next screen by specifying its name, image file and boundary. Once done, click on the Save button on the top right to save the new map and you're ready to use it. Please note that the image file is selected from a picker view which only display files in gif, jpg and png format and with size less than 20 MB.

       You can delete a custom map from the list by swiping your finger from left to right on the name of the map.

      Step Three: Import and use the custom map in the application.

       Click on the Action icon in the toolbar below the map and select the Custom Map tab on the bottom. Tap into the map you want to import and click on the Import button on the top right to import the map. You can also click on the red annotations to check its boundary information.

       If the map is imported for the first time, the application needs to create cache for it and it takes some time (up to minutes) to do it. During the process, please keep the application in the foreground. Once the cache is built, the custom map will be shown on the screen right away. Next time you import the same map, it will be shown immediately.

       You can check the status of custom map by clicking on the Information icon in the toolbar and find it in the status tab.

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